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Infantry Division
Rock of the Marne
(Page 2 - Division Occupation History)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History - Occupation Period (9 May 1945 - Aug 1946) |
May 1945
- Aug 1946 |
(Source: Front
Line, 16 March 1946) |
ID Sector, March 1946
on left shows the enlarged 3rd Division Occupation Zone. The
15th Infantry Regiment had moved
from the Wetzlar Area to Schweinfurt from where it assumed
the responsibility of administering all of the 22 Landkreise
of the Province of Main Franken.
Other Division units took over the 15th's old area.
At this
time, the 15th Inf Regt was placed temporarily under the operational
control of the 1st Inf Div.
(Source: FRONTLINE, July 20, 1984) |
Editor's note: In the following article, Hallet D. Edson relates a personal account of the 15th Infantry Regiment in the Schweinfurt area during the closing stages of WWII. Edson, then a Colonel, was commander of the "Audie Murphy" regiment from 1945 to 1946.
Marne Legacy
Schweinfurt, Germany 1945-46
By Halet D. Edson
On the 11th of April, 1945, Marlene Dietrich and her traveling show were scheduled to put on.a performance for our regiment, the 15th Infantry of the Third Infantry Division. At that time we were in division reserve and located just north of Schweinfurt in the vicinity of Rottershausen and Rannungen.
We really "put on the dog," by entertaining Miss Dietrich for lunch in our hastily set up Regimental Headquarters Mess in the storage room of a small hardware store. We served the usual delicacies, a variety of "C" rations; no other food had kept up with our rapid advance.
Unfortunately the luncheon was cut short for me as I got a call to "move out." The regiment had just received orders to continue the attack and was only able to leave behind the 1st Battalion, in regimental reserve, to attend the show. From all reports it turned out to be pretty good!
That afternoon we by-passed Schweinfurt and, coming down from the hills, secured the castle at Mainberg, the home and office of Willy Sachs, one of the three Schweinfurt ball bearing "Barons." An interesting sidelight occurred as our rapidly advancing troops found that in the lower floors of the castle a brick wall had been hastily erected. The wall was torn down and many of Willy Sachs' records were found to have been cached in the recess behind the wall.
We continued the attack to the east and entered Bamberg by nightfall of the 18th.
That "fresh brick wall" wasn't the only example of a secret room in this beautiful old castle said to date back to around 1066. We found another concealed spot in February of 1946, when our regiment moved from the Wetzlar area to the Schweinfurt area and I established our headquarters offices in Mainberg Castle. The 15th Infantry Headquarters was set up in a building just across from a large German kaserne (Webmaster: later on known as Ledward Barracks) on the western outskirts of the city, on the road toward the airport.
Captain John S. Sullivan was my Headquarters company commander and Captain Maurice W. Kendall was my regimental adjutant. These two, Sullivan and Kendall, shared a delightful room in the castle just off the dining room and one day asked me to stop in their room as they had found another "secret compartment" which they described as a walk-in safe in the wall. "Can you find it?" they asked.
Well, it was quite a search. After finally locating a faint arc shadowed in the carpet, I probed the wall and the set of doors and drawers in the vicinity until I found one drawer that, with an extra pull, unlocked the entire wall section. It pivoted smoothly around to the left, revealing a steel wall safe. Alas, all the "secret documents" had disappeared by that time.
The 1st Battalion was located at Wildflecken, the 2nd at Hammelburg Lager
with about 6,000 German POWs, the 3rd at Mellrichstadt on the Russian border,
and an attached Anti-aircraft Battalion,
commanded by LTC Frank Ebey, at
Wuerzburg. Across the street from our Regimental Headquarters was a huge German Army Kaserne housing about 12,000 Polish displaced persons.
I used the hayfield across the river from Mainberg to land one of the Division L-4's while making flying trips around the area and to Division Hewadquarters far north of Frankfurt. I was able to cross river by a rowboat courtesy of a local German resident of the village.
In Mainberg we also kept several horses we had liberated from a Hungarian Riding School soon after the war ended. This gave us the opportunity for pleasant riding up in the hills. These were the same hills that bristled with 88-mm Anti-aircraft guns during the war and were responsible for shooting down so many of our bombers in the raids on the three ball bearing factories: Schaefer, Sachs, and Kugel-Fischer.
Although much of the downtown area had been destroyed, the people were industriously working to haul away the rubble and rebuild.
The Schweinfurt Airfield, located a couple of miles down the road toward Wuerzburg, was loaded with U.S. aircraft being systematically destroyed -- most sad!
At that time, Wuerzburg was quite desolate. The city had been fire bombed and only the stone and brick walls were standing, with pipes and radiator's hanging from the masonry.
At the end of May 1946, my wife, Faith, received orders to join me and by that time I had requisitioned an attractive two-story house complete with yard, a maid and furnished. She was awaiting a "port call" when I received orders to return immediately to CONUS to attend the course at the Naval War College commencing in June.
Thus ended my tour in Schweinfurt, and I would certainly like to return sometime and see the changes that have taken place in these thirty years. |
(Source: Front
Line, 25 May 1946) |
DPs Move Out
As 7th Hq Co Enters Fulda
Over 600 Displaced Persons living in Fulda's Hindenburg
Kaserne will be transferred to other DP camps this week, 1st Lt Stanley
Teiser disclosed 20 May.
With the departure of the DPs, men of the 333rd Engineer Bn and civilian
labor will ready the kaserne for the arrival of 7th
Regt Hq Co. The company is expected to move into the kaserne
during June in conjunction with the consolidation of the 7th Regt
in Fulda.
Plans for the renovation of the future 7th RHQ billets include the
installation of a new central heating ... as well as painting and
Of the 688 people scheduled to be transferred to other DP camps, 320
will go to Schwarzenborn camp and the rest will be sent to Konstantine
DP camp in Fulda. |
(Source: Front
Line, 25 May 1946) |
30th Hq Moves
From Kassel to Roth Westen
By Jerry Mendlowitz
30th Regt Correspondent
Regimental CP, Hq Co and K Co of the 30th Inf
Regt moved to Roth Westen, 12 kilometers from Kassel,
last Tuesday, 21 May.
Using all available transportation, the entire moving body, composed
of the three complements and made up of some 350 men, took supplies
and personnel equipment to their new permanent location.
The men were notified Monday afternoon, 20 May, and from then on
the CP and both companies were engaged in preparing for the move
which was scheduled for the next morining.
Although the shift, because of the swiftness involved, required
a great deal of work from both Officers and EM, the entire movement
was a systematic one. By nightfall, most of the equipment and supplies
from the Regimental and Company offices had been speedily and securely
Medics Also Move
The 30th Medics also packed up in fleet-like fashion and all the
personnel were set and ready to join the following day's shipment.
In the Companies, the GIs were kept "on the ball". Some
were busily engaged in finding their wash women and getting back
their clothes and it was a common sight to see the men running up
and down the steps of their billets, carrying beds, mattresses and
duffel bags.
Tuesday morning the "rise and shine" whistle blew at 0530.
The men dressed and dashed off to chow. From chow they went back
to the billets and packed their last remaining items in their already
crammed duffel bags. About 0700 Motor Pools sent out all their available
transportation and drivers were started on a busy day.
Office Equipment Goes
and supply equipment was cleared out of the areas first, so that
conveniences such as beds and mattresses would await the coming
GI. Then came the men. As each truck came into the billeting areas,
a guide designated the homes each group would be billeted in.
Offices were equipped and the sound of typewriters could already
be heard in the late afternoon.
The following day, 22 May, things were rapidly nearing the normal
state of affairs and GIs were doing the same familiar things - some
were already visiting the local Red Cross Club for a hot cup of
coffee and some donuts.
Third Division Front Line - Some of the issues published
while in Germany |
April 13, 1946 |
-Dec 1945 |
??? |
missing |
5, 1946 |
II, No. 14 |
Korbach |
12-Feb 2, 1946 |
II, No. 15-18 |
missing |
9, 1946 |
II, No. 19 |
Wildungen |
16, 1946 |
II, No. 20 |
Wildungen |
24-Mar 9, 1946 |
II, No. 21-23 |
Wildungen |
missing |
16, 1946 |
II, No. 24 |
Wildungen |
23, 1946 |
II, No. 25 |
Wildungen |
missing |
Mar 30, 1946 |
Vol. II, No. 26 |
Bad Wildungen |
Apr 6, 1946 |
Vol. II, No. 27 |
Bad Wildungen |
missing |
Apr 13, 1946 |
Vol. II, No. 28 |
Bad Wildungen |
Apr 20-May 18, 1946 |
Vol. II, No. 29-33 |
Bad Wildungen |
missing |
25, 1946 |
II, No. 34 |
Wildungen |
1 - ??? |
II, No. 35-?? |
Wildungen |
missing |
Infantry Division - Official Homepage of The Society of the
3rd Infantry Division, United States Army "ROCK OF THE MARNE!" The
oldest continuous U. S. Army Division Association. (Excellent online
Stewart, GA - Home of the 3rd Infantry Division (M) (today) |